All posts by The 22 Man

Firearms Magazines – You need a lot of them

If you own a firearm that has detachable magazines, you should own many magazines. They are replaceable parts and by nature wear out. Keeping only two on hand is not a smart idea, an my readers are smarter than the average bear. This has nothing to do with being a prepper or fear, it has to do with intelligence.

Wise people buy while prices are low, right now, prices have come back down to where they were pre COVID during the Trump years when prices of all things firearms related were at their lowest since President Bush Jr. was in office.

How many you purchase is up to you. My rules are fairly simple. If you read my previous article “Start your Physical Security on a Budget” you have a rough idea. Continue reading Firearms Magazines – You need a lot of them

COVID Hysteria PART 2 Getting your house in order

In Part 1  we talked about making sure you have some food in case there is another run and having some cash set aside in case power is out or debit / credit cards are not used.

Once you have your expenses (emergency fund money) for 3 months and food for 3 months, you can now go out and buy a firearm (if you don’t own one). If you do already own one, even if it was your grandfathers 38 revolver or uncles 870 shotgun, don’t go out buying 4, 5, 6 or 8 other guns.

Continue reading COVID Hysteria PART 2 Getting your house in order

COVID Hysteria Part 1

First things first, things are about to get real bad in the United States. Somehow an idiot socialist was elected to control the country. We had a trial of Socialism March through July 2020 and even the socialist didn’t like it. How soon idiots forget. Much of what I write about below takes time and Americans may not have it. Please don’t panic buy.

To all those that bought N95 masks and raised the price from $1 each to $10 each, those that bought all the TP. You are part of the problem with America and the World. Continue reading COVID Hysteria Part 1

Here are the lessons for the World taught by Texas Ward

My father died of COVID (Cancer made his immune system week, COVID destroyed and and he died of pneumonia as a result).

His funeral is tomorrow January 8th, 2pm CST. His funeral can be seen live here:
There is an old Arab Bedouin saying: I, against my brothers. I and my brothers against my cousins. I my brothers and my cousins against the world.

Out of the same land our Creator brought another people who were to be separate from the world but to positively affect the world.

Out of those people came our Christ, one who did not neglect His immediate family and yet literally offered to help everyone on the planet born or ever to be born.

About 1,950 years later, my father met that man.

As a result, many of you are here. Not because of one great moment in meeting Tex, but because of a hundred or a thousand small moments with him.

Texas Marvin Ward opening Christmas presents less than a month before passing on to eternity Continue reading Here are the lessons for the World taught by Texas Ward

Cheaper than Dirt? NOT!

I thought I had posted this years ago. Apparently not. It is all the more true in 2020 since the Cheaper than Dirt has had unreasonable practices multiple times since then and finally has the Texas Attorney General looking into them.

As a micro-business I am all for making a profit, however there are times when a business takes advantage of customers and that is not right. During the attacks of 9/11, in our area, several gas stations jacked the price of gas up. The Missouri Attorney General took action and the prices were reduced and those particular stations were forced to sell fuel cheaper than anyone else for a time. Continue reading Cheaper than Dirt? NOT!

Bug out Vehicles that you can use every day

With the current natural and man made disasters, you and your family or team may need to bug out. Having the right vehicle is critical. Here are my thoughts.

When considering a “bug out vehicle” there are many things to consider. Think of the vehicle’s age, parts availability (now and in a bad situation as well as new and rebuilt parts), computers (there have been many computers in different parts of vehicles for different systems for decades now), suspension et al. Continue reading Bug out Vehicles that you can use every day