Below is a link to the West Freeway Church of Christ near Fort Worth church shooting (12/29/2019), it has multiple zoom ins and replays so specific areas of the church can be seen during the shooting and immediately afterwards.
This is not Monday quarterbacking, just my analysis (as a church security team leader for 6 years) that will save lives at your church.
Important points that I noted:
Security knew there was an issue, that is why they had several people on that side if the sanctuary watching him. They knew he had a fake beard when he came in. They should have never let him have a seat, they should have politely and quietly pulled him off to the side and “touched” his sides discreetly and talked to him. There are ways to feel for weapons where the person does not know that is what you are doing. Continue reading West Freeway Church of Christ shooting after action report→
Many years ago, while I was still in school two beliefs, that were utterly wrong, were placed before the American people, proposed as gospel. The saying “fighting never solved anything” was spread through our schools, churches and homes along with a “zero tolerance” policy which gave victims in the same punishment as the aggressors, or in some cases, there was no aggressor, just stupid teachers, school staff, prosecutors and judges were and are lazy using that “policy” to punish without thought. Continue reading Si vis pacem, para bellum – If you want peace prepare for war→
Cressida Dick, Chief of London’s Metro Police, is predictably standing with her Chief Deputy, Sir Craig Mackey, who is accused of fatal inaction and cowardice during the March 2017 lethal knife attack on unarmed Police Constable, Keith Palmer, at New Police Yard.
I was and have been told all my life some lies that have been exposed in the last 20 years. Yet, as most opinions that are stated over and over, they have become false facts.
For years the gun shop talk said, “get a shotgun and if you hear an intruder, rack the slide, the invader will poop their pants and run away” and “give the little lady a light weight revolver, that way she doesn’t need to worry about controls on a semi-auto”.
Criminals see guns as tools, nothing more. They don’t buy holsters, spare magazines, or proper ammo. They just buy (normally illegally), or steal, a gun to use as a tool in their ‘job. They think of a gun no different than they think of bolt cutters, hammers, gloves.
If thugs feel there is a chance of them getting caught, they just throw the weapon in a ditch or alley or gutter. Sometimes it is ditched in a place they can come back and retrieve it. Criminals and thugs don’t have holsters, spare magazines or ammo because if they are caught, it shows intent, and that there was a weapon, remember that most thugs are career criminals and cannot legally posses a weapon. By carrying a gun tucked in their pants they can leave minimal or no evidence that they had a handgun when or if they committed a crime. A holster is an extra expense and more difficult to get rid of (presuming they have a belt on). Continue reading Thoughts on criminals and firearms→
This week we have another guest article by Dan McNeil, he wrote this to his e-mail subscribers late last year, around October.
When rich and famous Robin Williams killed himself last year, it was quite a shock.
But each year at this time, the suicides that really strike home are the ones that occurred 13 years ago when the 9/11 suiciders struck. Continue reading Bill Maher’s standards are not American→
This time I want to talk about a few ways to protect your home and family on the cheap.
First lock your doors, when you are home and when you leave. Put the chain on and the deadbolt too. No excuses.
With the following simple tips, a door breaching tool won’t easily or quickly work, the door will have to be split into pieces. Giving you time to escape, evade or better yet arm yourself.
While on my kick of security I came across this on my hard drive, I really don’t remember where I got it from but it is true.
1. Of course I look familiar. I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters, or delivering your new refrigerator.
2. Hey, thanks for letting me use the bathroom when I was working in your yard last week. While I was in there, I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier.