Over the decades of my life, I have seen ammo (as well as guns, gun parts and magazines) go through phases of abundance ($5 box of 9mm, $7 Magpul magazines) to short supply (13 round Glock 23 mags for $89, AR-15’s tripling in price and .223 55FMJ for $1 per round and 9mm could not be found). Continue reading Pistol Caliber Versatility, Choosing the weapon that has the most ammunition choices
Monthly Archives: May 2018
Testing defensive ammo, how I do it.
When you carry a weapon for defense of yourself and or others, the right ammunition choice is imperative. Over the years I have switched ammo several times, ammunition for defense has come a long way and new rounds come out what seems to be yearly. I have no trouble trying something new to be better prepared.
There are certain criteria that are a must:
• Effective ballistics: terminal performance. I get this info from research
• Function: feed, eject and slide lock
• Accuracy: for me that is can I hit a chest of a human at 50 yards every time while standing and can I, from a bench with a rest put the round into a human head size target every time
• Controllability: multiple shots / follow-up shots are a must