Prepping or becoming wealthy, the wise way.
As I am writing this the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) is still ramping up in the United States and people are panic buying in bulk all sorts of things, but especially toilet paper, hand sanitizer and cleaning chemicals. As a result, prices have greatly increased and online scamming has gone wild. Continue reading Quit panic buying! →
I have sat on this article since 2015. I can can finally release it.
As some of you know my wife and I were short term missionaries in Uganda. On August 7 of 1998 Al Quada attacked and bombed the US Embassy’s in Nairobi, Kenya and Dares Sallaam, Tanzania. The Embassy in Kampala Uganda was not hit. We left.
This is the story of my friends, and what they experienced in the field. Preppers, Warriors, Christians, Freemen and Slaves need to read this. Continue reading Along the Journey by Barbara →
Violence Compared:
Many years ago, while I was still in school two beliefs, that were utterly wrong, were placed before the American people, proposed as gospel. The saying “fighting never solved anything” was spread through our schools, churches and homes along with a “zero tolerance” policy which gave victims in the same punishment as the aggressors, or in some cases, there was no aggressor, just stupid teachers, school staff, prosecutors and judges were and are lazy using that “policy” to punish without thought. Continue reading Si vis pacem, para bellum – If you want peace prepare for war →
Because we don't need permission