In Part 2 of this series we talked about some upgrades that should be considered. In this article we will talk about handgun fit, which probably should have been part of your purchase decision, I apologize.
Your pistol needs to fit your hand correctly. If it is too small or too large you will not have a proper grip and will have trouble aligning to the target.
I recommend you contact a training academy near you and set a time to visit an experienced instructor and ask for help getting a proper grip on your handgun. They should be willing to guide you in this well before you take a class. This way you can get the most out of the training when you go. Every one of the instructors I know personally will do this for free. I do not recommend the local gun / pawn shop or big box retailer for this information. There are too many incorrect theories out there. Continue reading Pistol Add-ons Part 3 Handgun fit, getting a grip.