All posts by The 22 Man

Glock 19 MOS another life adventure

Reflex and red dot sights have been mounted various way on pistols for years. None were inexpensive. When Glock introduced the MOS (Miniature Optic System) idea, I instantly saw several advantages. By building a system into the gun no bulky add-on mounts or expensive slide cuts that voided the warranty and only fit one brand of optic. I wear bifocals and with a reflex sight, you focus on the target and the “red dot” is in focus too. I was hoping this would speed up my target acquisition significantly. Continue reading Glock 19 MOS another life adventure

Caliber swapping in pistols: Getting 2 or more handguns out of one, on a budget.


Previously I wrote an article on Pistol Caliber Versatility  comparing what calibers could be shot in place of the main round.

In this article I want to discuss a similar topic, shooting different calibers, safely in a pistol by swapping minimal parts. In this case either the barrel or the barrel and magazine.

That’s a Glock 31 in .357 with a .40 S&W to 9mm Luger conversion barrel, yes you can!

Continue reading Caliber swapping in pistols: Getting 2 or more handguns out of one, on a budget.

My fake Trijicon RMR adventure

“What? It’s a fake? I will get them off my shelf right away!” he said. That’s how this article was given birth.

I have kept this article under wraps for almost 2 years, partially to give the business time to do what he said, and partially because, well I don’t have a good reason. I also was looking for some more information I had.

Let’s start with a little background, until 2014 I did not care about small reflex sites and did not keep up with their technology or cost. It was a result of this incident that I began my research and study of the small reflex sites. I have used “holo” sites on rifles for decades, I just had not investigated or bought the small ones. Continue reading My fake Trijicon RMR adventure

Pistol Caliber Versatility, Choosing the weapon that has the most ammunition choices

Over the decades of my life, I have seen ammo (as well as guns, gun parts and magazines) go through phases of abundance ($5 box of 9mm, $7 Magpul magazines) to short supply (13 round Glock 23 mags for $89, AR-15’s tripling in price and .223 55FMJ for $1 per round and 9mm could not be found). Continue reading Pistol Caliber Versatility, Choosing the weapon that has the most ammunition choices

Testing defensive ammo, how I do it.

When you carry a weapon for defense of yourself and or others, the right ammunition choice is imperative. Over the years I have switched ammo several times, ammunition for defense has come a long way and new rounds come out what seems to be yearly. I have no trouble trying something new to be better prepared.

There are certain criteria that are a must:
• Effective ballistics: terminal performance. I get this info from research
• Function: feed, eject and slide lock
• Accuracy: for me that is can I hit a chest of a human at 50 yards every time while standing and can I, from a bench with a rest put the round into a human head size target every time
• Controllability: multiple shots / follow-up shots are a must

A few samples of defensive ammo

Continue reading Testing defensive ammo, how I do it.

Batteries fail, even when just sitting on the shelf

Batteries do fail, leak and explode.

Over the years I have stashed away different useful items. Some may call it prepping, others a survivalist attitude, I consider having something when you need it.

I have suggested keeping batteries for trading , in your BOB, and of course as an item for emergency needs.

Even in date batteries can fail

Continue reading Batteries fail, even when just sitting on the shelf

Batteries for emergency gear

I had just finished 24 hours of Wide Area Search training in the fall of 2014. With all the takeaways, there is one I want to pass on to everyone.

If you are a “prepper”, “survivalist”, Boy Scout or educated person, you will have some supplies stocked up in case of emergency. Volcano, Tornado, Hurricane, wild fire… all create the need for stuff. Some of that stuff should consist of several different flashlights and types (hand held, table top, 90 degree necks, hat mounted and “miner’s” style as well as emergency / weather radios, communications (FRS radios and handheld CB and handheld HAM). Continue reading Batteries for emergency gear

I Always Wondered Where Food Came From

Guest article by Dan McNeil owner of Cartridge World 3656 S. Campbell, Springfield, MO 65807. Call for your toner and ink needs 417-823-9990

My wife is ill so I’ve taken over the cooking duties, a skill previously unknown to me. For the last 65 years, at mealtimes—poof!— it never failed—food magically appeared on my plate.  So I assumed food was a biblical manna thing, or maybe it came from some kind of a government airdrop.

A B-24 Liberator on a pork chop and mashed-potato run over my neighborhood. Evidently, this never happened.

Continue reading I Always Wondered Where Food Came From

Black Plague Strikes Down Cartridge World Owner—Granny Died—Dog Ate My Newsletter

Today we are blessed? with another post from our famous guest Dan McNeil so sit back buckle up and hang on.

Not much of a newsletter this month due to a nasty three-week case of the flu.  Using the flu for an excuse is pretty mundane so I decided to pull out some of the excuses I used as a kid.  They probably sound a lot better fifty years later. Continue reading Black Plague Strikes Down Cartridge World Owner—Granny Died—Dog Ate My Newsletter