Jewell was a security guard at Olympic Park in 1996 when he spotted what he thought could be a satchel bomb under a park bench.
Integrity – How to change the system
I was reading my Bible today, my morning study comes out of the American Patriot’s Bible, a New King James version.
I was reading about Jethro’s advice to Moses (Exodus 18) and came across this.
“…able men, such as fear God…” (v21)
Character Matters – Noah Webster, known as the “Father of American Scholarship and Education” and author of the famous Webster’s Dictionary, stated: Continue reading Integrity – How to change the system
Citizen Soldier
It’s been a tough day, this helped me, maybe it will help you.
You might be only “one” but you do make a difference
Edward Everett Hale Once said “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
Continue reading You might be only “one” but you do make a difference
Every Movement Has Its Crazies…
This is a guest article by Dan McNeil.
Every Movement Has Its Crazies…
Women had it tough in the 19th and early 20th century. Especially that whole child-birth thing, which wreaked havoc on a woman’s body.
In the old west, a woman typically lost one tooth per child. So by the time age 30 came around, she could look 60.
Maybe that’s why nobody smiles in the old timey photos. Continue reading Every Movement Has Its Crazies…
Be a “Good Witness” or a Victor the choice is yours
I was and have been told all my life some lies that have been exposed in the last 20 years. Yet, as most opinions that are stated over and over, they have become false facts.
For years the gun shop talk said, “get a shotgun and if you hear an intruder, rack the slide, the invader will poop their pants and run away” and “give the little lady a light weight revolver, that way she doesn’t need to worry about controls on a semi-auto”.
Continue reading Be a “Good Witness” or a Victor the choice is yours
Thoughts on criminals and firearms
Criminals see guns as tools, nothing more. They don’t buy holsters, spare magazines, or proper ammo. They just buy (normally illegally), or steal, a gun to use as a tool in their ‘job. They think of a gun no different than they think of bolt cutters, hammers, gloves.
If thugs feel there is a chance of them getting caught, they just throw the weapon in a ditch or alley or gutter. Sometimes it is ditched in a place they can come back and retrieve it. Criminals and thugs don’t have holsters, spare magazines or ammo because if they are caught, it shows intent, and that there was a weapon, remember that most thugs are career criminals and cannot legally posses a weapon. By carrying a gun tucked in their pants they can leave minimal or no evidence that they had a handgun when or if they committed a crime. A holster is an extra expense and more difficult to get rid of (presuming they have a belt on). Continue reading Thoughts on criminals and firearms
Barter items – in case your world goes to heck
In past articles I have spoken of a few way to prepare for disasters of any sort. The food shortages in Venezuela should be a reminder of that. It should also remind you, no matter how much gold, silver or bullets you have, if there are no beans, you can’t buy or trade for them.
This article is based on the presumption you have stockpiled a minimum of supplies and needs for yourself and your family. Only after you have done that should you begin your barter pile (unless you buy both at the same time like a 2 pack of aspirin). Continue reading Barter items – in case your world goes to heck
Bill Maher’s standards are not American
This week we have another guest article by Dan McNeil, he wrote this to his e-mail subscribers late last year, around October.
When rich and famous Robin Williams killed himself last year, it was quite a shock.
But each year at this time, the suicides that really strike home are the ones that occurred 13 years ago when the 9/11 suiciders struck. Continue reading Bill Maher’s standards are not American
The Pink AR Adventure – a continuing saga
Last November 2015, I posted an article on the build of my wife’s pink AR. You can read about it here –
One part that I had not purchased for that rifle was a pink trigger. I waited and hunted trying to find a deal. Finally for Christmas 2015 I just ordered it from and paid $200 for it.