Category Archives: Training

Military Emergency Management Specialist training, it’s for you.

It’s hurricane season, and other natural disasters are still occurring. If you want to be better prepared and be an asset to your local community, there is training you can take.

Let me introduce you to the Military Emergency Management Specialist (MEMS) program which is open to civilians as well as the military. Continue reading Military Emergency Management Specialist training, it’s for you.

COVID Hysteria PART 2 Getting your house in order

In Part 1  we talked about making sure you have some food in case there is another run and having some cash set aside in case power is out or debit / credit cards are not used.

Once you have your expenses (emergency fund money) for 3 months and food for 3 months, you can now go out and buy a firearm (if you don’t own one). If you do already own one, even if it was your grandfathers 38 revolver or uncles 870 shotgun, don’t go out buying 4, 5, 6 or 8 other guns.

Continue reading COVID Hysteria PART 2 Getting your house in order

West Freeway Church of Christ shooting after action report

Below is a link to the West Freeway Church of Christ near Fort Worth church shooting (12/29/2019), it has multiple zoom ins and replays so specific areas of the church can be seen during the shooting and immediately afterwards.

This is not Monday quarterbacking, just my analysis (as a church security team leader for 6 years) that will save lives at your church.

Important points that I noted:

Security knew there was an issue, that is why they had several people on that side if the sanctuary watching him. They knew he had a fake beard when he came in. They should have never let him have a seat, they should have politely and quietly pulled him off to the side and “touched” his sides discreetly and talked to him. There are ways to feel for weapons where the person does not know that is what you are doing. Continue reading West Freeway Church of Christ shooting after action report

Tornado response (S&R): 12 August, 2019

This “article” was written as an after action for a recent tornado. I decided to slightly modify it and put it out as an article.

What happened? Two tornadoes went through Christian county and one directly through two subdivisions. There were dozens of tornadoes across the state due to this storm.

Once activated, our S&R team met outside the affected area (per our SOP) and then caravanned into the primary affected zone. Our group had 18 personnel. Continue reading Tornado response (S&R): 12 August, 2019

Be a “Good Witness” or a Victor the choice is yours

I was and have been told all my life some lies that have been exposed in the last 20 years. Yet, as most opinions that are stated over and over, they have become false facts.

For years the gun shop talk said, “get a shotgun and if you hear an intruder, rack the slide, the invader will poop their pants and run away” and “give the little lady a light weight revolver, that way she doesn’t need to worry about controls on a semi-auto”.

recoil Continue reading Be a “Good Witness” or a Victor the choice is yours

Student of the Gun training, Part 3

In part 1 of this article I talked about my adventures in getting to Mississippi, in part 2 I wrote about alternate use of force options. In this the 3rd and final part, I wanted to talk about the Beyond the Band Aid (Now called Beyond the Boo-Boo) training.

Zach, one of Professor Paul’s sons, seemed unsure and nervous every time I entered the main door or left the classroom and went through the “reception” area to go to the bathroom.

I saw/see my son Jesse in Zach. I did take a moment to tell him that he is a Rockstar. Why? Because I see something great in him, like I did in Jesse at that age, I couldn’t put my finger on it but I know it is there.

They say once it is on the internet it never disappears. With that in mind. Zach, I don’t know what the future holds for you but I know you can handle it, defeat it and come out on top, in every sense of the word, as Dave Ramsey means it, so do I, in you I see a Rockstar. Not the burn out drugged out self-centered type, but the person who exceeds, all he is meant to do. One who people say, “I am better off for knowing him.” Continue reading Student of the Gun training, Part 3

Training at Student of the Gun – Part 2

In part 1 I gave you some of my adventure of getting to the Student of the Gun University from Missouri and my meeting my classmates.

In part 2, I am going to pickup from where I left off.

Day 1 training was the “Force Options: More than just a gun” class. Jarrad was in the back of the room and soon Professor Paul came in. After introductions and a quick overview of our backgrounds, from each of us students, we began the training.

We went over the various forms of “pepper” spray, Tasers as well as go-no go situations. We used demonstration spray for scenarios and Zack got Tased. Continue reading Training at Student of the Gun – Part 2

Training at Student of the Gun University – Part 1 Getting there

In September 2014, I took off 5 days and drove to Mississippi for 3 days of STOG-U training. 1 day of Force Options and 2 days of Beyond the Band Aid.

Being opposed to the TSA and their illegal pat down of American Citizens and one who is more than willing to smack someone who violates a child or is physically aggressive with an elderly person in a wheel chair, I knew my best option for getting to Mississippi (I just love spelling that, no really, I do!) was to rent a vehicle and drive. $213 later I had a rental. Continue reading Training at Student of the Gun University – Part 1 Getting there