Except for a few minutes of truly great athletic achievements, it’s boringly long. And unfortunately, there’s one especially despicable thing about the Olympics that never seems to change—anti-semitic hatred of Jews.
Go back to the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany.
USOC chief Avery Brundage didn’t want to embarrass Hitler with the possibility of having a subhuman non-Aryan Jew share the medal platform with a German, so he disqualified and replaced two men of the American 4 x 100 track relay team who were Jewish.

Then in 1972 the Olympics came back to Germany (Munich).
My bet is that few people under 55 are even aware that during the games, Palestinian terrorists took eleven Jewish athletes hostage and murdered them.
And while a life and death hostage situation was playing out in the Olympic village, USOC chief Avery Brundage—-remember him?—insisted the games continue.

Editors note: Just in case you went to public school, please read these articles on the massacre.
So here it is 44 years later and the crap continues.
Attempting to board a bus bound for the venue, Jewish athletes were blocked from boarding by Lebanese athletes. The Lebanese athletes later claimed the Jewish athletes were “looking for trouble.”

The Saudis even forfeited a woman’s judo match to avoid the possibility of facing a Jew.
But by far the most pathetic character in the Olympics was Ibithaj Muhammad, a Muslim American competing on our women’s fencing team.
If you watched the Olympics at all, you heard the media rave about their new pet Muhammad, who was audacious and brave and courageous enough to wear a Hijab (scarf) while competing for nasty old America.
And believe me, she liked to talk about it.

By the way, even though she’s 100% American (and proficient with a sword) she doesn’t feel safe in America.
Because of, you know, Americans. How they are.
Oh, and bless her heart, she doesn’t care for Americans, but she especially hates Jews. Her facebook page makes very clear her feelings about Israel.
So great news!
Even though the Olympics was mostly boring, I managed to gin up a real interest by finding a team of Olympians I truly disliked— enough to take the time necessary to passionately root against.
The American women’s fencing team.
Dan McNeil,
Cartridge World on Campbell