Here is a YouTube video I found interesting
Has It Really Been 68 Years?
This is a reprint of an article written by Dan McNeil. It has been reprinted with his permission and has been left unedited. It gives a lot of history, that is no longer in books, in a condensed format. Take it as history and facts, if you are a hater, go to another blog please.
68 years ago, in 1948, at least two thousand years after-the-fact, the United Nations declared Israel a nation. One day later, in just the first of many cases of pissey middle-east buzzkill, every Arab country surrounding Israel declared war. Continue reading Has It Really Been 68 Years?
XS Sites, the final stage!
In June of 2014 I wrote my original articles on my visit to XS Sights. Yes, I just published them here in May. In this report I want to go over my results of using them for all 2015.
Early winter 2014 I installed a set of XS big dot sights on my Glock 19. I chose to install them myself though, as I noted in the first article, one could mail their slide to the XS factory in Ft. Worth and have them installed. I had previously bought their AR front sight, three actually. I will have to get you a review on those soon.
XS Sight Systems Visit – Part 3, Other Sights and parts
In Part 1 of this article I went over my visit to XS Sights and their business practices. In Part 2 I briefly wrote about their handgun sights. Here I want to quickly let the readers know, they make sights for rifles as well as other products for firearms.
While XS makes many handgun sights, don’t overlook that fact they make rifle and shotgun sights too. If your Remington or Benelli need an added advantage, XS has what your need. What about your Springfield M1, AK-47 or AR-15 type rifles, yes, they have a large selection from the CSAT (Combat Sight Alignment) to angles mount sights to supplement your scope, including Ghost ring sights. They have dozens of options you can sort through to find what you need. Continue reading XS Sight Systems Visit – Part 3, Other Sights and parts
XS Sight Systems Visit – Part 2, Handgun Sights
Previously I wrote about my visit to XS Sights manufacturing facility in Fort Worth Texas. That article was focused on their business. This one is focused on what has made them famous, their handgun sights.
I want to start this article with a statement; anyone who has taken handgun training should have heard “find the front sight!” or something close to that. While this article is not about how to shoot, you must have your sights on target before you squeeze a round off, and finding the sights quickly under the stress of a real world firefight or a competition is a lot harder than you think. Continue reading XS Sight Systems Visit – Part 2, Handgun Sights
XS Sight Systems Visit – Part 1, The Business
On April 4th, 2014 I was taking care of estate issues at my grandmother’s house in Fort Worth Texas. It was during this time I had the privilege of visiting XS Sight’s facilities, just 1 ½ miles from my grandmother’s house. If I had known that is where they were all these years, I would have visited them many times!
XS Sight Systems was the brain child of Ed Pastusek, who had a manufacturing facility called Horizon Tech Industries that made some very special parts for the medical industry. Founded in 1984 – yes folks, that was 30 years ago) Ed created a trusted business in the medical industry, something rare and even rarer to still be in business. This very day, one of their parts is used every 3 seconds in surgery. Machining and manufacturing were in Ed’s blood and in his family. Continue reading XS Sight Systems Visit – Part 1, The Business
News flash April 19 – BOSTON
National guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed on April 19th by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.
Darrell Scott Testimony – Remembering Columbine
This was taken from an email that went around many years ago. Though this is attributed to Darrell Scott, I cannot see where it is not contributed to him.
“Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this, hmm? On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. Continue reading Darrell Scott Testimony – Remembering Columbine
Did Peter O’Toole Cause All the Problems in the Middle-East?
The following is another guest article by Dan McNeil of Cartridge World on South Campbell in Springfield MO.
This article may be intense for some however I found it a interesting read and should make you think.
Peter O’Toole, who stars in one of my favorite movies, A Lion in Winter, (a sheer pleasure to watch) passed away a couple of years back. Alongside Katherine Hepburn, O’toole plays Henry II, a fading and cruel English king who torments and divides his three scheming sons by dangling succession to the throne in front of each of them.
Hepburn plays his queen, the unloved Eleanor of Aquitaine, who hopes to escape her tower exile by murdering Richard with the help of their sons.
Taking place at Christmas, this story of a supremely dysfunctional family has a bitingly funny script that is decidedly un-Christmassy.
R.I.P. Peter

Continue reading Did Peter O’Toole Cause All the Problems in the Middle-East?
Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday
Thomas Jefferson and I share the same birthday. Sometimes I think I have done a lot in life, then I realize what he did and I am humbled.
Here is a list of some of his accomplishments, without today’s technology!
At 5, began studying under his cousin’s tutor. I played in dirt.
At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French. I played baseball.
At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages. I quit playing baseball.
At 16, entered the College of William and Mary. I found my first girlfriend.
At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe. I dropped out of college. Continue reading Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday