In Nov 2017 I ordered a CBC Industries “Tactical CY6 / 6.5 Grendel” and had it delivered to my local gun shop. This is an 18″ barreled rifle. The receipt and paperwork don’t tell me the barrel’s twist rate.

I chose this cartridge / caliber for two reasons. First was to test it as a pig cartridge for night hunting and second was a couple of us were trying to determine the “best” AR platform caliber for Missouri. In Missouri we have plains up north, pine forest in the south east and foothills in the south west. Hunting Mule Deer up north requires a bit more than a 5.56 and the wild hogs sometimes don’t respect that either. We had floated several calibers and the debate, after studying ballistics, factoring in recoil and then barrel length came down to pretty much the 6.8 SPC II and the 6.5 Grendel. Continue reading CBC Industries 6.5 Grendel Review →
I thought I had posted this years ago. Apparently not. It is all the more true in 2020 since the Cheaper than Dirt has had unreasonable practices multiple times since then and finally has the Texas Attorney General looking into them.
As a micro-business I am all for making a profit, however there are times when a business takes advantage of customers and that is not right. During the attacks of 9/11, in our area, several gas stations jacked the price of gas up. The Missouri Attorney General took action and the prices were reduced and those particular stations were forced to sell fuel cheaper than anyone else for a time. Continue reading Cheaper than Dirt? NOT! →
I have put my updates at the end of the article as of 10/08/2020.
Back in 2015 I first saw the “Jack” lower by Sharps brothers. Back then I thought “I’ve got to build me one of those” and thus my quest began.
I try to wait and buy parts only when on sale, however I do fail at that. In May 2019 I still did not have all the parts I wanted to complete this build so I gave in and ordered the final parts at retail.
During the years following my finding the Jack lower, I purchased it, and scanned the internet for build ideas, looks at parts that would fit what I envisioned my rifle to look like. Ideas came and went. I took screen shots of numerous builds to give me better ideas of what others had done, what I thought looked good and what was good for them but not for me. Continue reading the “Jack” build – UPDATED 10/08/2020 →
Because we don't need permission