In Part 1 we talked about making sure you have some food in case there is another run and having some cash set aside in case power is out or debit / credit cards are not used.
Once you have your expenses (emergency fund money) for 3 months and food for 3 months, you can now go out and buy a firearm (if you don’t own one). If you do already own one, even if it was your grandfathers 38 revolver or uncles 870 shotgun, don’t go out buying 4, 5, 6 or 8 other guns.

Continue reading COVID Hysteria PART 2 Getting your house in order →
First things first, things are about to get real bad in the United States. Somehow an idiot socialist was elected to control the country. We had a trial of Socialism March through July 2020 and even the socialist didn’t like it. How soon idiots forget. Much of what I write about below takes time and Americans may not have it. Please don’t panic buy.
To all those that bought N95 masks and raised the price from $1 each to $10 each, those that bought all the TP. You are part of the problem with America and the World. Continue reading COVID Hysteria Part 1 →
Because we don't need permission