With the gun buying frenzy of 2020 and 2021 cooling off, many first-time gun owners and those who are not “gun” people have to be asking themselves, “what now?”
In this blog, I want to address what else you need after your handgun purchase. If you have not bought a pistol yet, hold back! I am working on getting an article out on how the buy the best pistol for you and your needs. Continue reading You bought your first pistol, now what? →
Magazines seem to be the #1 failure of a firearm.
Normally they cause a failure to feed the next round (not enough spring pressure to put the next round up before the slide closes, or the follower sticking), a stove pipe or a double-feed (new round tipping up and catching on the empty just fired brass, pushing it back into the chamber). There can be other reasons for these issues and this is not necessarily everything a bad magazine can cause.

How to diagnose: First you need to be sure it is a specific magazine and not another factor (dirty weapon, bad ammo, limp wristing et al). Continue reading Firearm Magazine Issues and Diagnostics →
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