All posts by The 22 Man

How to dress when you are out and about

Now, you can dress yourself how you want to, this is America. However, before you do, I would like you to take a few things into consideration.

I don’t believe in dressing overtly “tactical”. If your job requires it, that is another story, however body guards in the US of A really don’t need to look like “bodyguards”. The Office Assistant or Personal Assistant look draws less attention from the client and the people they interact with.

The dog's identity is being protected so he is not publically humiliated by his human
The dog’s identity is being protected so he is not publically humiliated by his human

If you are just an everyday “Joe” going to work, visiting family, shopping at StuffMart, then, in my humble but amazingly accurate opinion, dressing tactical is undesirable. Continue reading How to dress when you are out and about

A 40 day calling to Pastors and churches

Lately I have written and posted articles challenging our elected officials, law enforcement and judges to, for a certain timeframe, do what is right.

Now it is time to challenge those that claim the most authoritative power, churches.

I should have had this out 35 days ago, with elections occurring now. Yup, I expect Churches to talk about politics.

Yes, God did ordain the church and politics as one
Yes, God did ordain the church and politics as one

Continue reading A 40 day calling to Pastors and churches

Nonfood stock up items

In the past I have written articles about being prepared for hurricanes, ice storms, tornados, riots et al.
The easy way to have additional food.
Batteries for Emergency Gear
Physical Security – Your home
Physical Security – Firearms
For these and more, click on the various link’s the left side of your screen under CATEGORIES.

Let’s start with something very important, if you are or have females, don’t forget feminine hygiene! I suggest two to three months’ supply in the long run. By buying one month’s supply every two weeks, in just nine weeks you will have covered your use and have the extra. If that is too hard on the budget, try getting 1 ½ what you need. Continue reading Nonfood stock up items

Prepping / Emergency food

I have been working on this article for about two years, it was just not ready to be published, then this week Price Cutter had canned veggies for 29 cents a can. Harter House used to weekly have them for 39 cents, now I noticed they are up to 49 cents. With that in mind, here are my ideas on stocking up on food, the EASY and INEXPENSIVE way to do it.

After all who wants to eat green cookies?
After all who wants to eat green cookies?

There are more than a few articles about food for long and mid-term. Some say to buy it all at once, others give a list of what to buy every week. Many are based on ‘dry’ goods (beans and rice) only or refer you to MRE’s or premade freeze dried foods. While all these are ‘good’ articles you should get food you will actually and ‘normally’ eat as a part of the solution. Continue reading Prepping / Emergency food

365 day challenge to Law Enforcement

City, County, Constables, State, and Federal alphabet soup (FBI, DHS, BLM and the such – don’t’ exclude yourself, include yourself). I have challenged our legislatures and our judges to set the American people free, today I challenge you to do the same. For the next 12 months, do not harass any citizens Yes I dared to say it.

The vast majority of you have “to protect and serve” on the sides of your vehicles, that is all I am asking you to do. Continue reading 365 day challenge to Law Enforcement

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

As we Americans celebrate 240 years of independence today, we contemplate our current state of the Government and wonder if a true 2nd revolution would have occurred if the same men were alive today as were in 1776.

As a  man, overall, I think I would be “that guy”, always coming out ahead, surviving, growing stronger, leading others. The fact is, from the 1760’s good men had died, and all throughout the years, good and great men died. Even those that survived were and are not recognized and celebrated. Below are some of the notes on what happened to the men whose signed our Declaration of Independence. Continue reading Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

A Real hero dies and gets a squishy movie made about him

The following is a guest article by Dan McNeil

If you have any doubts about what a sissy you are, read Laura Hillenbrand’s book UNBROKEN.

Unbroken, the Book
Unbroken, the Book

Sure, you fought in Operation Desert Storm, braved enemy fire, put out flamethrowers with your spit, and cleared whole minefields by stepping on mines and daring them to go off. Sure, you won a couple of Medals of Honor and goosed the president’s wife at the ceremony.   But how do you stack up next to a real hero like the guy named Louis Zamperini?

Girl! Continue reading A Real hero dies and gets a squishy movie made about him

Ignoring and over ruling of 40 unconstitutional laws – a call to Judges

Judges: City, Municipal, County, State, Regional, Federal, Supreme Courts. I have a challenge for you.

I challenge you to remove / overturn / dismiss cases involving unconstitutional laws for your City, County, State or Federal jurisdiction.

To make it easy on you, select 40 such unconstitutional laws and constantly dismiss or throw out such cases, then turn on the idiot prosecutor for filing them and lecture them about the rule of law. After a few examples are made, your unnecessary workload will be greatly reduced. Continue reading Ignoring and over ruling of 40 unconstitutional laws – a call to Judges

The rule of 40 or the removing of 40

The political season is really heating up and those that will win the upcoming elections of 2016 are rising to the top.

I have a challenge for them. This is a challenge for all politicians in the United States of American and territories.

City Government I ask you to remove 40 ordinances, regulations, taxes or laws by December 31st 2017.  That is right, I challenger you to do this in the first 365 days you are in office. Make no new rules, ordinances, regulations, or laws. None whatsoever.

images Continue reading The rule of 40 or the removing of 40

Ares Flag holster and magazine pouch review

If any of you know me, you know I consider myself to be a patriot. I love the United States of America, I love Texas and Missouri. I consider my citizenship a privilege and an honor. I believe along with living here I have a civic duty to volunteer and support groups that support our States and Country.

Sometimes that patriotism bleeds over to “stuff” and in this case it bled over to a holster and magazine pouch I had Ares Tactical ( make for me in April of 2015. The “Standard” holster and “Double magazine pouch” for a Generation 2 Glock 19 with the Missouri flag and a double magazine pouch with the Texas flag on it.

a picture of beauty
a picture of beauty

Continue reading Ares Flag holster and magazine pouch review