All posts by The 22 Man

Along the Journey by Barbara

I have sat on this article since 2015. I can can finally release it.

As some of you know my wife and I were short term missionaries in Uganda. On August 7 of 1998 Al Quada attacked and bombed the US Embassy’s in Nairobi, Kenya and Dares Sallaam, Tanzania. The Embassy in Kampala Uganda was not hit. We left.

This is the story of my friends, and what they experienced in the field. Preppers, Warriors, Christians, Freemen and Slaves need to read this. Continue reading Along the Journey by Barbara

Si vis pacem, para bellum – If you want peace prepare for war

Violence Compared:

Many years ago, while I was still in school two beliefs, that were utterly wrong, were placed before the American people, proposed as gospel. The saying “fighting never solved anything” was spread through our schools, churches and homes along with a “zero tolerance” policy which gave victims in the same punishment as the aggressors, or in some cases, there was no aggressor, just stupid teachers, school staff, prosecutors and judges were and are lazy using that “policy” to punish without thought. Continue reading Si vis pacem, para bellum – If you want peace prepare for war

S&R experiences

Over the years I have privilege of taking search and rescue training from FEMA, SEMA, Christian and Green Counties Emergency Management Offices.

As a result I have been able to go on many Search and Rescue or Search and Recoveries (S&R). Each had different results.

When we go out, we are given different amounts of information. We never get the “full story”. Sometimes it’s under the pretense of “keeping information safe” other times those sending us just don’t have a lot of information. Continue reading S&R experiences

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for disaster survival

How to come up with your list if needed items for an “event”.

Hopefully you know what Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is, if not, here is a link to a great article that goes through it

What I want you to consider is using that hierarchy in your preparing for a disaster. Whether you are preparing to bug out for a hurricane, forest fire, TEOTWAWKI or staying locked down due to an ice storm or riots in the street, using the principles presented by Maslow, you can pretty well be sure you get what you really need and don’t stock up on what does not matter to you or your family. Continue reading Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for disaster survival

The Heritage – Conclusion

This excerpt is taken from the book, ‘Seedtime of the Republic’ by Clinton Rossiter. Page 445.

It is my humble and accurate opinion that every citizen of the Unites States should read this book.  This is a three part book. You may find and read “The Political Thought of the American Revolution” as a book itself, it is part 3 of ‘Seedtime’. I put this section below because I feel it needs to be spread around and stimulate knowledge here and now.

“Under normal operating conditions of free society and constitutional government, representations and jury trial form the last and firmest line of defense against arbitrary power. When circumstances are abnormal, when this line of defense is irreparably breached, the people may resort to the great right of resistance. Government is divine, and ordinance of God, but governors are human, deriving all power from the consent of the governed. When rulers flout the terms under which they were granted this power, the people are placed in a position where they may, rather must, act to restore ordered liberty.

The right of resistance is the last refuge of a while people unable to protect their lives, liberties, and properties by normal constitutional methods; it cannot be stretched to justify the coup d’état of a militant minority dedicated to the building of a new order. The people have a duty to be peaceful and law-abiding, and history demonstrated that they can be counted on never to resist except under overriding compulsion and to temper their methods to the nature and degree of oppression. The only possible outcome of a full reversion of power to the people is a new contract with new rulers under new terms of reciprocal obedience and protection. God granted men the right of resistance to help them preserve orderly government, not to induce them to fly from the tyranny of arbitrary power to the tyranny of no power at all. In short, resistance, the extreme form of which is revolution, is not so much the right as the solemn, unpleasant duty of a betrayed people. ”

Until we meet again, keep your booger hook off the bang switch until on target and ready to fire.

Crossbreed “Modular belly band” review

First I want to be clear, this belly band was not bought for me but for my beautiful bride, it is what she wanted. It was recommended and modeled for her and other ladies at a firearms class for ladies (Thank you Well Armed Woman and Stacy Bright). I also had heard, on different podcasts, ladies talking about using it and liking it. It is one holster in a collection for them, as seems to be with the case of ladies. Different clothes, different carry gear. Continue reading Crossbreed “Modular belly band” review

Pigs and Pistols

I have been asked and seen on various forums a question that basically asks, if a pistol caliber or a .223 / 5.56 is enough to kill pigs. Ignoring the haters and the “more deer are killed with a .22 than anything else” crowed, the question is legitimate. Boiled down it is “what caliber can I reliably hunt and kill pigs with while maintaining recoil and allowing follow-up shots?”

We need to start with a little background.

Back in the 90’s I carried a Ruger Super Blackhawk in 44 magnum to hunt pigs. My friends used dogs and spears and I was supposed to be the backup guy. I am glad I never had to use that pistol to protect or save anyone, I was not that good of a shot and now I know how fast a hog can turn on you, and how entangled the hog and human bodies become. Continue reading Pigs and Pistols

EOTech settlement, what is loyalty worth?

I was raised that loyalty is worth the effort.

In previous articles I wrote thank you letters to Armalite and Trijicon for taking care of me. You can read about how well Armalite treated me here and Trijicon did here With that in mind I stayed loyal to EOTech when they went through a hard time.

In November 2015 EOTech was sued for known faulty holographic sights. Temperatures below freezing shifted the site and the point of impact. You can read more about it here. Continue reading EOTech settlement, what is loyalty worth?