Giant Tech Firms Cheat

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Dennis Prager, an author, talk show host, columnist, pundit and Rabbi (did you know that?) testified before Congress about search-engine bias. His Prager University gets a billion views annually.

Hundreds of his postings and videos have been restricted or banned by online tech giants. Among many otherwise seemingly innocuous and reasonable ones censored, (Israel’s Legal Founding by Dershowitz, Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women by Ayaan Hirshi Ali), Google banned Prager’s own, “The Ten Commandments, What You Should Know.”

Refusing to say why they do this, Google’s rep responded to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on that one, saying it’s because the video referred to “murder.” Hawaii Sen. Hirono added, in Goggle’s defense, it also had Nazi imagery. Who are these people? Have you stopped using Google yet? Prager offered to post The Nine Commandments as a solution (but without luck).