Category Archives: Soap Box

Ignoring and over ruling of 40 unconstitutional laws – a call to Judges

Judges: City, Municipal, County, State, Regional, Federal, Supreme Courts. I have a challenge for you.

I challenge you to remove / overturn / dismiss cases involving unconstitutional laws for your City, County, State or Federal jurisdiction.

To make it easy on you, select 40 such unconstitutional laws and constantly dismiss or throw out such cases, then turn on the idiot prosecutor for filing them and lecture them about the rule of law. After a few examples are made, your unnecessary workload will be greatly reduced. Continue reading Ignoring and over ruling of 40 unconstitutional laws – a call to Judges

The rule of 40 or the removing of 40

The political season is really heating up and those that will win the upcoming elections of 2016 are rising to the top.

I have a challenge for them. This is a challenge for all politicians in the United States of American and territories.

City Government I ask you to remove 40 ordinances, regulations, taxes or laws by December 31st 2017.  That is right, I challenger you to do this in the first 365 days you are in office. Make no new rules, ordinances, regulations, or laws. None whatsoever.

images Continue reading The rule of 40 or the removing of 40