More expired food tests

After performing the recent shelf stable milk experiment, I decided to try two other “expired” items I had on hand.

Once again, I am not recommending you eat or drink items past their “best buy” or “Expired” date. I simply have done this as a test of products under healthy and non-adverse conditions.

The first item up was Krave Gourmet Beef Cuts (aka Beef Jerky). The Best By date was February 10, 2019. On April 4th 2024 I decided to munch them down.

Front of Krave Package

Back of Krave package with expiration date.
Back of the Krave package with expiration date

My only issue was the pieces were crunchy, like thick chips, not chewy. My saliva moistened it up and allowed me to eat them. To me the flavor was still there and my stomach properly digested them.

Results, no gut or bowel issue.

Next, I decided to drink a Peach Mano Bodyarmor Lyte that has been in my lunch bag for an excessive amount of time (not refrigerated). I purchased and have had several of these as an alternative to water on days when I wanted something else and didn’t want soda or tea. I have always enjoyed them. They are not “great” however they did satisfy my thirst.

According to their website, the best by date is one year after the manufacturer date.

This drink, if I read it correctly was made the 45th day of 2022 which was February 14th, so it was best by Valentines 2023 and I drank it April 5th 2024.

Once again, no adverse side effects.

My final experiment for this article was MRE Monday. I hope to get that blog out to you soon.

Until we meet again, keep your booger hook off the bang switch until on target and ready to fire.