Today I once again am privileged to have a guest article by Dan McNeil, owner of Cartridge World on South Campbell in Springfield Missouri.
I Probably shouldn’t Watch the News… So I watch the news a lot.
And when one of the talking heads says something completely moronic—which is pretty often—, Mr. Wild-Eyed Potty-Mouth rears his ugly head, much to my long-suffering wife’s chagrin.

The little woman has often warned me to knock it off or she might do something desperate— while I’m sleeping—with a hammer. I always laugh it off—ha ha— because she wouldn’t hurt a fly. She’s a Rock.

Okay, not really.
So one day the Rock and I are cable-cruising and we run across the talking head below, Thomas Roberts.

Thomas is asking a reporter on site what we should think about “Christian shooters” like Adam Lanza.
“Christian shooters?” screams I. “Lanza wasn’t a Christian anything! That reporter is dumb as a post!”
Then my wife gave me ‘the look’.

So rather than make my wife crazy enough to hammer me in my sleep, I decided to (quietly) research some of these clowns. Let’s start with the Planned Parenthood shooter.

Evidently this guy read the Bible at some time in his life so the media says he’s a Christian. He also claims to be a woman. His lawyer’s intention to file an insanity defense says it all.
Now let’s share a moment with two proponents of the ‘religion of peace.’

Not hardly. The San Bernadino killers were Muslims, though the media practically choked itself into a frenzy to avoid admitting it. Yelling ‘Allah Akbar’ while murdering people evidently isn’t enough of a clue for those guys to figure it out.
Then there’s Jared Loughner (below), who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, a federal judge, and several others.
If he were Miss January in a Playboy spread, he would list his dislikes as Christians, Jews, and George W. Bush. Under his likes would be killing Christians, killing Jews, and killing George W. Bush.

Here’s the Fort Hood shooter who killed 13 servicemen in 2009.

Granted, he’s a Muslim, but his reason for killing those people is still a mystery.
And yes he was yelling ‘Allah Akbar’ while he was shooting them down, but his reason for killing those people is still a mystery.
So I’ve hired a professional to solve the mystery.

Never mind.
Then there’s Adam Lanza who reporter Thomas Roberts referred to as a Christian. Lanza murdered his mother and twenty six kids in Newtown Connecticut, then did us all a favor and offed himself.

Lanza had no connection to Christianity whatever. His thing was violent video games and an obsession with mass murder. And based on this information, which is available to anybody with the internet, reporter Thomas Roberts has deduced that Lanza was a Christian.
Doing research on these losers is depressing, to say the least. But the determination of media guys like Thomas Roberts to divert blame from homicidal maniacs to Christians makes no sense unless…